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The Cosmic Conspiracy (or Cosmic Watergate as it is sometimes called) is a generic term for the notion that the US Government has made contact with extraterrestials, is covering up the fact, and is involved in a conspiracy with the aliens to trade humans for technology or to hybridise the human race. Cosmic conspiracy theory has given rise to all sorts of speculation, and significant elements include the alleged UFO crash at Roswell, Area 51, secret underground bases in New Mexico, cattle mutilations, and alien abduction and genetic manipulation - most of which has found its way into The X-Files, and some back of it out again.

  • Aliens on Earth
    A number of UFO and abduction related links maintained by Glenn Campbell, including his experience of being abducted by Aliens from Area 51 in the 1990s.
  • Best UFO Resources and Links
    Definitions and links to further resources on UFOs
  • Blue Fire
    Tom Mahood’s site devoted to Area 51 and associated legends. Rarely up-dated now, but contains an interesting essay giving the author’s Final Thoughts on the subject.
  • Dreamland Interactive
    A site devoted to the notion of a cosmic conspiracy between aliens and the US government. Lots of material and links on Roswell, Majestic 12, Area 51, plus some links to government and military sites.
  • Flying Saucers in Popular Culture
    UFO's on magazine covers. A very comprehensive collection.
  • Gli UFO su Internet
    A series of links related to UFOs.
  • H2D2: Is there anyone out there?
    BBC hosted site containing edited collections of writings on "Is there life out there in the universe?"
  • Intruders Foundation On-Line
    Budd Hopkins is the king of the alien abduction gurus; this is his site.
  • John Lear
    And here's John Lear's 1988 text 'The UFO Cover Up' about Aliens at AREA 51 which started it all off? (John Lear interviewed by Art Bell, 2003)
  • Operation Majority
    This is the text of William Coopers 1989 press release about the cosmic conspiracy.
  • Orion Technology and other Secret Projects
    by Valdamar Valerian (c) 1992. Text making claims for alien-human technology transfers, trading, etc.
  • Saucer Smear
    Jim Moseley’s grand old journal of UFOlogy, now on-line and still "shockingly close to the truth." An excellent source of rumour and gossip in the UFO world, with informative critiques of famous cases.
  • The Alien Jigsaw: The True Experience of Alien Abduction
    Page devoted the alleged abduction of the author, Katharina Wilson. An interesting case for those working on this subject.
  • The Dulce Book by 'Branton'
    This is a VAST text which compiles together a huge range of quotations, internet postings, interviews and transcriptions to do with the alleged secret base (and tunnels) underneath Dulce, NM. A Must See.
  • The Groom Lake Desert Rat
    Glenn Campbell's paramount on-line newsletter. The primary focus is on Area 51 & UFOs, but there is lots more other conspiracies here. Swiftly up-dated and always topical. (Content frozen in 2000, but archived)
  • The Home Page of Summu
    In the fall of 1975, Claude Rex Nowell began to have a series of encounters with highly intelligent beings who he now refers to as the Summa Individuals... Webpage which documents Nowell’s philosophy and revelations.
  • The J Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies
    As the page states "The Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) is an international group of scientists, academics, investigators, and volunteers dedicated to the continuing examination and analysis of the UFO phenomenon. Our purpose is to promote serious scientific interest in UFOs and to serve as an archive for reports, documents, and publications about the UFO phenomenon." A good site, but not as extensive as it sounds.
  • The Krill Report
    A situation report on our acquisition of advanced technology and interaction with alien cultures This is the notorious text (from 1988) of an alleged statement written by one OH.Krill (who some claim to be an alien ambassador). It is long, and details many aspects of the alleged cosmic conspiracy with wonderful imagination. Rumour has it that it was forged by ufologist John Lear as a prank, and that William Cooper was taken in.
  • The Krill Report II
    A slightly different version, this time claimed to have been written by one Valdamar Valerian in 1988.
  • UFOS and other Wild-Eyed Conspiracy Theories
    A number of links to conspiracy theories online, not updated since 2005.
  • UFOs in the 90s
    Site by VJ Enterprises. Run by believers, with significant information on Greys, Roswell, abductions, etc. as files, and many good links - nicely presented too.
  • Watcher's Web of Conspiracy
    Page declares: "There is ample evidence that the government is involved with extraterrestrials. The involvement is global and the goings on don't merely "seem" evil, they are." Site devoted to the cosmic conspiracy, also coverage of New World Order and Tribulationism. Lots of good links.


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