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- Evans, Bergen, The Natural History
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- Frazier, K., ed., The Hundredth
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- Frazier, K., The Ufo Invasion:
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- Friedlander, Michael W., At the
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- Friedlander, Michael W.,The Conduct
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- Gardner, Martin, Fads and Fallacies
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- Gardner, Martin, Gardner's Whys
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- Gardner, Martin, Science: Good,
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- Gardner, Martin, The New Age: Notes
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- Gardner, Martin, Urantia : The
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- Gardner, Martin, Weird Water &
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- Gordon, Henry, Extrasensory Deception:
Esp, Psychics, Shirley MacLaine, Ghosts, Ufos (Buffalo,
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Hicks, Robert D, In Pursuit of Satan : the Police and
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- Hines, Terence, Pseudoscience and
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- Hofstadter, Douglas, Metamagical
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York: Basic Books, 1985). See especially chapter 5, "World
Views in Collision: The Skeptical Inquirer versus the
National Enquirer"
- Howard, M., The Occult Conspiracy
(Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1989)
- Johnson, Paul, In Search of the
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: Paul Johnson, 1991)
- Kah, G. H., En Route to Global Occupation.
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- Kjos, B., "Serving a Greater
Whole," Media Bypass, June 1995.
- Klass, Philip J., UFO-Abductions
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- Klass, Philip J., UFOs: the Public
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- Klass, Philip J.,Bringing Ufos
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- Klass, Philip J., The Real Roswell
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- Kurtz, Paul, Philosophical Essays
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- Lefkowitz, Mary, Not Out of Africa:
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- Lewis, D., Prophecy 2000 (Green
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- Lindsey, H. with C.C. Carlson, The
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- Lindsey, H., Planet Earth-2000
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- Loftus, Elizabeth F., Eyewitness
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- Loftus, Elizabeth F., The Myth
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- Menzel, Donald and Lyle Boyd, The
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- Nickell, Joe, Entities : angels,
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- Penley, Constance, NASA/TREK: Popular
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Karl R., The Logic of Scientific Discovery (New
York: Harper Torchbooks, 1959)
- Publications, Inc., 1957)
- Radner, Daisie and Michael Radner,
Science and Unreason (Belmont, California: Wadsworth
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of Pseudoscience."
- Randi, James, Flim-Flam! (Buffalo,
New York: Prometheus Books, 1982)
- Randles, Jenny and Paul Fuller, Crop
Circles: a Mystery Solved (London: Robert Hale, 1990)
- Randles, Jenny and Peter Hough, The
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- Randles, Jenny, Men in Black :
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- Sagan, Carl, Broca's Brain
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- Sagan, Carl, The Demon-Haunted
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- Schick, Jr.,Theodore and Lewis Vaughn,
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- Sheaffer, Robert, The UFO Verdict
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Books, 1986)
- Shermer, Michael, Why People Believe
Weird Things : Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other
Confusions of Our Time (W H Freeman & Co.: 1997)
- Spanos, Nicholas P., Multiple Identities
and False Memories: A Sociocognitive Perspective (Washington,
D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1996)
- Story, Ronald, The Space-gods Revealed:
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2nd ed. (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1980)
to bibliography